Mariana on Running, Being a Mum and Breast-Feeding

My Daughter was born mid January 2018 by water birth, everything went to plan and our breastfeeding journey started almost immediately after the birth.
I was keen to recover properly and waited a month before trying running again, when I did head out I started back at the beginning but also because I didn't know how my body was going to respond with exercise and breastfeeding.
I ran my first organised event 3 and half months after, which was the Southampton Half marathon for the 4th time. I then carried on training and ran several 10 miles events leading to my 9th marathon in October and more 10 miles and half marathons.
I decided at Christmas to enter my first ultramarathon which was race to the Kings day 2, which was 30milles. What a success!
Fast forward to today which is 8th August 2019 we are still feeding/expressing at nearly 19 months and I am pretty much back to my daily running routine in-between working 3 days a week and being mummy.
I think you can achieve anything you want to if you put your mind to it. Also no matter how you feed your baby you are still a mother. Keep going badass mothers.
Some days have been touch and some days have gotten easier but every one's experiences will be different too.

I have been running for 11 and a bit years and had started running events from 2012. It was originally started for anger management which turned into a healthy hobby.
I have met some amazing people along the way and some made some lifelong friends too.
Follow Mariana’s journey on Instagram here.